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A member registered Apr 30, 2021

Recent community posts

man i wish i could read akkadian

i love this conceptually, but most game states are unsolvable. i'd suggest that when none of the center slots are occupied, the player should be able to move any number of cards across the river


bro get the ruler look at this.

grrrgggaaahhhhh youre doing the epilogues better than the epilogues (thing i didnt know was possible)

lost by merging two larger planets together and firing a small one stuck between them out of the bubble at game-breaking speeds

i'm running into an issue in the windows version where i can't construct my first ribosome after crafting it. i place it in what should be a valid location, and it continues existing as the miniature item. any idea what the issue might be?

unrestrained winter fun. 10/10 perfect advent calendar trinket

i would love to see a recursive element in this game. imagine if you could complete larger tasks over multiple runs

(1 edit)

shouldn't have messed with the fnf fandom

this is premium game design. i'm reminded of zach gage